Parent Enriched Academy of Cooperative Education (PEACE)
Lit. Circle
Heather Barnard
Survival Camp
Brittany Phillips
This class will cover a new topic each week to learn about safety, preparedness, and science. The first 6 weeks will focus on everyday dangers like fire, weather, strangers, and first aid. When we come back from Fall break, the last 6 weeks will be all about outdoor survival (including a "camp party" at the end of the semester.
While learning about preparedness, each student will be spending the semester creating an emergency bag and filling it with new supplies as we go along. For example, during first aid week, we will be creating compact first aid kits. These bags are great to have tucked in a closet in case of emergencies (flood, tornado, etc) or to grab and go for camping trips!
Along with survival know-how, kids will also be bringing home helpful tips for parents who might be interested!
Week 1: First Aid
DIY mini first aid kit
Practice treating (fake) wounds
First Aid instructions key ring
Week 2: Fire Safety
Learn about what fire needs (fuel, oxygen, and heat)
Create map of house with exits
Discuss how smoke rises / "Fall & Crawl" race
"Stop Drop and Roll" Tag
Use a real fire extinguisher to knock over cups
Week 3: Bad Weather (Staying Inside)
Tornados and Blizzards
When and where to take shelter
Making 72 hour kits
D.U.C.K (Down stairs, Under something, Cover your head, Keep inside)
Week 4: Bad Weather (Evacuation)
Discuss the Columbus flood
What would you take with you?
Making laminated contact cards
Week 5: GO Bags
What would you take with you?
What's inside a Go Bag? Show a child & adult bag
Mutipurpose items
Homemade MRE's
Week 6: Lost & Found
What do you if you get lost?
S.T.O.P (Stay calm, Think, Observe surroundings, Plan)
Whistle rules & creating signals
Signal hide and seek
Reading directions & maps
Week 7: Creating Shelters
The Rule of 3's
DIY tarp shelters
DIY debris shelters
Using paracord
Week 8: Water and Sanitation
Creating water filters
Porta potties & latrines
Red Cross Method for sterilizing water
Week 9: Making Fire
Tinder, kindling, & fire starters
Fire safety review
Log cabin, cone, and Dakota fire holes
Week 10: Cooking
Campfire foods
Cooking methods
Making "instant" meals (just add water)
S'mores & campfire songs
Week 11: Setting Up Camp
Campsite safety
pitching a tent
campfire safety review
Disposing of water
Week 12: Graduation Party!
Our preteens will be reading a selection of books and discussing them together. Here's a peek at two of the books they will be reading: